An ambitious, energetic and agile company. We believe in a digital future for agriculture. Our goal is to accelerate the adoption of digital technology on the farm through the application of smart sensors, connected devices, data analytics, and machine learning. We believe that future value will come from data and information collection through smart devices embedded in agricultural machinery.

Experts in their field

'Experts in their field' is a play on words that reflects the benefits and supports that Tanco's 55 years of experience can bring to its customers, whether they are distributors, dealers or end users in the 'field'.

Fighting for almost zero

Tanco uses the latest in robotic technology and has embraced lean manufacturing principles. We are committed to developing innovative agricultural wrapping machinery and implements that are distinguished by high performance, durability and functionality.

The latest tanco news

Innovation is the foundation of everything we do…

From the very beginning, we have used innovative designs and processes to create machinery that is highly regarded not only for its consistency and durability, but also for its uncompromising quality.

Along the way, we’ve patented dozens of groundbreaking innovations, positioning Tanco as one of the most respected and responsive brands in the agricultural world.

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